Best 30 Day Ab Challenge

Are you looking for some motivation for building your core? Do you desperately need a plan to intensely target the midsection of your body over the course of the month? If your answer is a yes then you are in the right place. We have compiled the most impactful 30 day ab challenge that works.

Whether you are a fitness enthusiast or just a beginner, anyone can at times get off the track. The best way to find fitness motivation back and stay on track is to do a 30 day challenge.

30 Day Ab Challenge

Does 30 Day Ab Challenge Really Work?

Of course, it does. Let me clear how! There are some solid reasons why a 30 day challenge works. First, you know your goal, in this case, a chiseled core or 6 packs. Secondly, you have a plan to follow so you won’t get distracted thinking about which exercises to do and which area to focus. You simply have to follow the proven plan. Third, you have enough time to push. When you keep following these exercise challenges consistently you’ll definitely see some results.

Can I Get Abs in 30 Days?

We are not saying that everyone will get the same results, 6 packs in 4 weeks. Results may vary individually as there are other contributing factors like your body type and eating habits but strictly following this 30 day core challenge you are definitely going to see some amazing results.

If you’re a beginner you may not build a v-taper body that you can show in 30 days obviously but you’ll surely witness increased core strength, better posture, and improved mobility, not a bad deal.

It’s not necessary to be willing to get a 6 pack look to do abs exercises. In fact, there are tons of other benefits that are enough for anyone to start doing abs exercises. Here we are sharing some of the most common benefits of why abs exercises are important.

  • Helps maintain a good posture
  • Prevents lower back pain
  • Creates better balance and stability
  • Builds functional strength
  • Boost in energy and  sports performance

Before heading into the ultimate 4 week ab challenge for a chiseled ripped core remember if you want results, try to follow the challenge exactly as is mentioned along with clean eating and hitting your supplements. Also, warm up your body with 10-minute cardio whether on the treadmill, static bike, jogging, or jumping jacks to burn every bit of belly fat. And drink plenty of water while exercising.

Also, remember to note your progress along with the challenge. 30 day ab challenge before and after will help you track down your progress and act as a stimulus for any future challenges.

List of Exercises For Ab Challenge

Before we dive into our 30 day challenge for 6 pack abs, it important to discuss the list of exercises you have to perform over the course of next 30 day for your abs.

Leg Extensions:

Leg extensions are a great way to hit your lower ab muscles.

  • Sit on the floor or on a bench with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Place your hands out in front of you and slowly lean backwards. Find the balance point where it’s hard to hold your legs out and you’re not falling over.
  • Tense your abs as you pull your legs in towards you. You can hold your knees a little for stability if you need.
  • Push your legs back out again to complete one rep.


The setup for a crunch is like a sit-up:

  • Lay down on your back.
  • Bend our legs and stabilize your lower body.
  • Cross your hands to opposite shoulders, or place them behind your ears without pulling on your neck.
  • Lift your head and shoulder blades from the ground. Exhale as you rise.
  • Lower, returning to your starting point. Inhale as you lower.

Sit Ups:

To perform a proper sit-up:

  • Lay down on your back.
  • Bend your legs and place feet firmly on the ground to stabilize your lower body.
  • Cross your hands to opposite shoulders, or place them behind your ears (without pulling on your neck).
  • Curl your upper body all the way up towards your knees. Exhale as you lift.
  • Slowly, lower yourself down, returning to your starting point. Inhale as you lower.

Flutter Kicks:

A proper flutter kick is easy to perform as you need no equipment, except for a gym mat.

  • Lie on your back on a gym mat with your legs extended and your arms alongside your hips, palms down.
  • Lift your legs 4 to 6 inches off the floor. Press your low back into the mat.
  • Keep your legs straight as you rhythmically raise one leg higher, then switch.
  • Move in a fluttering, up and down motion.
  • Perform for 15 to 20 repetitions. Alternatively, flutter kick for a period of time, such as 20 to 30 seconds.

Side Plank:

  • Lie on your side and place your lower forearm on the ground. Make sure your elbow is below your shoulder.
  • Either; stack your feet on top of each other, scissor them so both feet are on the ground, or place your lower knee on the ground (to make it easier).
  • Lift your hips up to get into the side plank position and brace your core muscles. Keep your spine and neck in a neutral position.
  • From the side plank position, tighten your outer thigh and glutes, raising your upper leg into the air. Hold for 2-3 seconds.
  • Return your leg to its initial position. This is one rep.
  • Repeat on the other side.

30 Day Ab Challenge For Strong Core

Day 1
10 Leg Extensions
10 Sit Ups
Plank(35 sec)
Day 2
12 Flutter Kicks
10 Crunches Plank(40 sec)
Day 3
12 Leg Extensions
12 Sit Ups
15 Flutter Kicks
Day 4
12 Crunches
12 Leg Extensions
Plank(45 sec)
Day 5
20 Flutter Kicks
15 Sit Ups
Plank(50 Sec)
Day 6
15 Leg Extensions
15 Crunches
25 Flutter Kicks
Day 7
Day 8
20 Leg Extensions
20 Sit Ups
Plank(50 Sec)
Day 9
25 Flutter Kicks
20 Sit Ups
Plank(55 Sec)  
Day 10
25 Leg Extensions
25 Sit Ups
30 Flutter Kicks
Day 11
20 Crunches
25 Leg Extensions
Plank(55 Sec)
Day 12
30 Flutter Kicks
25 Sit Ups
Plank(1 Min)
Day 13
30 Leg Extensions
25 Crunches
30 Flutter Kicks
Day 14
Day 15
30 Leg Extensions
30 Sit Ups
Plank(1 Min)
Day 16
35 Flutter Kicks
25 Crunches
Plank(70 Sec)
Day 17
35 Leg Extensions
30 Sit Ups
35 Flutter Kicks
Day 18
30 Crunches
35 Leg Extensions
Planks(70 Sec)
Day 19
40 Flutter Kicks
35 Sit Ups
Planks(75 Sec)
Day 20
40 Leg Extensions
35 Crunches
40 Flutter Kicks
Day 21
Day 22
40 Leg Extensions
35 Sit Ups
Planks(80 Sec)
Day 23
45 Flutter Kicks
35 Crunches
Plank(85 Sec)
Day 24
45 Leg Extensions
40 Sit Ups
45 Flutter Kicks
Day 25
40 Crunches
45 Leg Extensions
Plank(90 Sec)
Day 26
50 Flutter Kicks
40 Sit Ups
Plank(100 Sec)
Day 27
50 Leg Extensions
40 Crunches
50 Flutter Kicks
Day 28
45 Crunches
50 Leg Extensions
Plank(110 Sec)
Day 29
55 Flutter Kicks
45 Sit Ups
Plank(2 Min)
Day 30
55 Leg Extensions
50 Crunches
55 Flutter Kicks
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