Owning pet is like a commitment because that animal totally depends on you for its care. As a devoted owner you must be aware how long they are likely to live so that you are taking the responsibility at its most. This implies to any pet you own may it be a cat, dog, bird or a hamster. If you are thinking to buy a hamster as a pet and want to know how long do hamsters live, you are on a right place, we will help you find the answer about how long domestic species of hamsters actually live?
The word Hamster comes from a German word which means “hoard” and it is exactly what hamsters do with extra food. They can store food half their body weight in their cheek pouches. Hamsters were first discovered in the Syrian Desert in the 1800’s and domesticated in the 1930’s and arrived in America shortly after. Hamsters are now America’s top ten favorite pet. Among the species of hamsters, the dwarf hamsters are perfect ones as house pets. Besides them some other species of hamsters are also domesticated and can be kept as pets. They make great pets for ones who live in small houses as they occupy small space and are easy to keep. The average life span of a dwarf hamster ranges from 1.5 to 3 years depending on the species and the amount of care provided.
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How long does a Roborovski dwarf hamster live?
Roborovski is the smallest species of hamster and is usually between 4 and 6 cm fully grown and weighting about 20-26 grams. The average life span of a roborovski hamster is 2.5 to 3.5 years. The roborovski dwarf hamster is a bit less aggressive and could bear 2 to 3 buddies in a cage peacefully.
How long does a Campbell dwarf hamster live?
Campbell dwarf hamster usually measures 2-3 inches fully grown and weighting about 30-45 grams. The average life span of a Campbell hamster ranges from 1.5 to 2 years.
How long does a Syrian hamster live?
Syrian or commonly known as golden or teddy bear is one of the most common pet hamster usually measures 6 inches fully grown. It is the biggest of all the species of domesticated hamsters and could be best choice for first time hamster owners to start with, because of their size they are easy to handle and tame. Never keep more than one Syrian in a single cage as they are extremely territorial and solitary animals, they do not get along with each other and sometimes even fight to death. The average life span of a Siberian hamster ranges from 1.5 to 2 years.
How long does a Chinese hamster live?
The Chinese hamster roughly measures 2-3 inches fully grown. They have very long, slender and flat bodies. The most distinct feature of a Chinese hamster is the tail which can grow from 1 cm to 3 cm in length. They usually get along with other mates quite well. The average life span of a brown Chinese hamster ranges from 2 to 3 years.
How long does a Djungarian hamster live?
Djungarian also known as White Russian or Siberian hamster roughly measures about 2-3 inches fully grown and weighting about 30-45 grams. They gel in quite well with other hamsters. The average life span of white Russian hamster ranges from 1.5 to 2 years.
Factors that affect the life span of hamsters
There are many factors that could affect the life span of a hamster like genetics, injuries, exercise, diseases, housing conditions and the quality of care. You can help increase your hamster life span by simply adopting these general guidelines.
- Provide them healthy nutritious food and avoid junk food.
- Do not over feed them.
- Provide them fresh and clean water only.
- Provide them enough space to freely exercise and move.
- Keep their cages clean and tidy, weekly or biweekly cleaning of the cage is essential.
- Get them to veterinarians for regular checkups.
- Consistently wash your hands before attempting to handle a hamster as they are very fragile to catching germs.
- When buying cages for hamster try to avoid purchasing ones with wire wheels and the plastic cages as wire wheels can injure your hamster’s feet and legs and the plastic one could provide a run-away chance. Go for the cage with the solid surface wheels only.
- Opt for unscented paper based bedding as the scented ones like cedar and pine shaving can cause respiratory irritation, eyes irritation and skin irritation.
- Do not provide them plastic toys as they could be life threatening. Instead provide them wood toys to play.
Although the years you spend with these furry companions are few, but the bond and connection they create with you through their fun loving and entertaining nature would never let you forget them for many years.